samedi 25 septembre 2010
Here he is Ladies and Gentlemen, Stan"The Man" Lee! If you're wondering what he's signing, it's the 70 years of Marvel the Encyclopidia. Got this last year and I've been asking all the artist to sign it. Inside cover and first page is full of signature, but I did reserve a special place for Mr.Lee. If you're wondering how long was the line for Stan Lee, I can tell you this, it was insanely sick!!!! It went from one end of the con to all the way in the back. But Thankfully, we got up early waited in line outside for 2 hours before the con open, and waited another 2 hours before meeting Stan Lee. Was it all worth it....HELL YEAH!!!!!
That's it for part 3 of the FanExpo. In part 4, it'll be the finale. And I've reserved a little something that was not on the guest list anywhere, plus I'll show a couple of cosplayers there. See you next time true belivers, EXELCIOR!!!!
Tahmoh Penikett, Felicia day and Summer Lau. Out of the 3 I only met Mr Penikett, I'm a huge Battlestar Galactica fan,just had to meet him. I'm also a fan of The Guild, a web series starring Miss.Felicia Day, but unfortunately the line was to insane. Maybe next time. They seemed very nice, from what we saw, we could tell they were enjoying themselves and loved the fans who showed up for them.
Peter Mayhew and Dr.Suresh. And next to Dr.Suresh is the actor who played Colossus in X-Men3. Peter Mayhew who played Chewie in Star Wars as a cane in the shape of a lightsaber! That's Cool! (not walking with a cane is cool but the shape of the lightsaber...just to clarify things so I don't get misinterpreted!)
Toronto FanExpo part 3
The Batmobile! Honestly, do you really need to pay someone to promote The Batmobile! I think it sells itself on it's own!
dimanche 19 septembre 2010
FanExpo part2
lundi 6 septembre 2010
Once in, I was already at the Hasbro booth. I'm such a Star Wars nerd, I had to get the exclusive. On my way there, there was this big card of Boba Fett. You could put on a Boba helmet and gun, and have your picture taken. No I did not have my picture taken, Why you must ask? Camera shy, pure and simple. But fear not one day you'll see my nerf herder face.
Fan Expo 2010 part 1
For those who never went there, this is like a San Diego Comic con except smaller. It started august 27 and ended on sunday the 29th.
Unfortunatelly, they had problems getting everyone in on those three days. On friday, we were suppose to get in at 2pm but only made our entrance at 4pm...needless to say we were in line since 1pm....
Anyway, let's leave the negative behind us and enjoy our walk trought the convention!
Just like Mario and Luigi, let me carry you to the magical world of the FanExpo!
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