mardi 13 septembre 2011

Montreal ComicCon this week end!

Yes it's that time of year again! Montreal ComicCon is just around the corner. If you're in the neighborhood   come say Hi! I'll be there table A29. The guest list is very impressive, Stan Lee, Adam West, Joe Benitez, Jim Starlin, Neal Adams just to name a few. See you this week end!

dimanche 26 juin 2011

mardi 29 mars 2011

Baby Cake!

Don't Call Me BaBy Cake!!!! You've been warned, she hates it! I mean really hates it!

Baby Cake is my creator own project. It will be a weekly strip/panel, that I'll try to publish here on my blog. I got all those crazy ideas to go with her. So be very cautious when meeting her. You never know when she might snap.

This is also a print I'll be selling at conventions. So don't be shy to come and see me, I'll be listing my convention appearance in the following weeks.

Baby Cake is copyright and trademark of François Chartier

lundi 14 mars 2011

Buffy Sketchcard Update!

Just finished coloring Buffy. This was colored with Touch, Tria and Copic markers. Also used some color pencil with some white gel pen do add some detail. Hope you enjoy this one!

dimanche 13 mars 2011

Buffy Sketchcard

Here's for the weekly sketch challenge, Buffy! I'll try and color it and post it this week.

samedi 12 mars 2011

Spider Man commission!

Here is the Spider-Man commission all done! Touch and Tria markers with some white gel pen.

jeudi 10 mars 2011

The birth of Baby Cakes!

What started as a doodle/warm up sketch, gave birth to Baby Cakes. I'll be posting the evolution of Baby Cakes as I progress. More on her background, possibly a web comic too. Depends on my inspiration.

dimanche 6 mars 2011


Here's an update of my commission for Spider Man.

Here's my Supergirl pencil sketch, with the colored version one. Done for the Weekly Sketch Challenge. It's a secret group (I think), I'm posting them here so you can see a little bit of what it looks like when I start the sketch.


Here's a few sketch I'm doing for a commission. It's Spidey meeting the symbiote for the first time kind of concept.

samedi 5 mars 2011

Batman weekly sketch!

This was done for the Weekly sketch challenge of last week. It's a group that's been formed by Boo theMyghtymasterofpotato on FaceBook. I'll be posting them every week here so you guys can check it out.

Interested in buying my Batman sketch is 30$ plus shipping 5$ in the U.S.A and Canada. Other I have to check. I accept Paypal only for now. Just contact me at .

What's next for me?

Well , I will be part of the Dynamo5 sketch card series. This set is being produce by the same guys that brought you Luxura Sword of Apocalypse. Here's the add for the set and my sample sketch card for Dynamo5. I do have one more thing, but right now I can't really say anything. I will keep you posted!

dimanche 16 janvier 2011

What's new in 2011?

Well frist off I will be doing 10 sketch card of Fem Force. This is for the company SadLittles. You can order your set on the web site.

I'll also be doing 30 sketch card of Luxura Sword of Apocalypse. Check out my photos, 2 samples of Luxura are posted there. This is for The Sketch Card Studio. You might want to put them in your favorite web sites, they'll have some pretty good things for you this year.

If you want your set of Bettie Page Private Collection limited card series, you can place your order right here . Don't be shy to check out every talented artist. The list is really amazing, I still can't beleive my name is in that list! Ok, I'm just being a Fanboy here...Sorry for that.

And besides that, I have put up my info with my commission rates on this blog. So if you want something for yourself or a gift, chek it out right here where it says commission. Conventions are coming soon, I'll be posting my appearces here as well. So keep an eye out for that too!

Meanwhile you can always check my DA page for some of my art . And don't be shy to invite your friends at my Fan Page right here on facebook! Take care!